Bridging the Physical and Virtual Worlds, Redefining Art and Innovation in Philadelphia.
Steam cyberpunk
University of Pennsylvania [Spring 2022]
Ezio Blasetti, ARCH502 Critic
Published in Pressing Matters 11
Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, Python, Twinmotion, Houdini, V-Ray for Rhino, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
3D Print, Lasercut, CNC, Fog Machine, Spray Paint
Architecture, Parametric/Iterative Design, Digital Visualization
Steam Cyberpunk - NFT Marketplace//Steam Generator draws inspiration from the site’s industrial history, particularly Philadelphia’s extensive network of underground steam pipes spanning 33 miles. This project transforms the steam system into an electricity generator for the Callowhill community, providing spaces for the creation and display of 3D holograms for digital art.
The project delves into how NFTs and computation can be integrated into a building typology that seamlessly blurs the line between physical and virtual reality in a symbiotic manner. The physical space for viewing digital art helps anchor the NFT experience and is envisioned as a hub of economic activity, a center for education, and a platform for connecting the burgeoning NFT community in Philadelphia with artists and works from around the world.

Steam Pipe Parametric Catalog

Programmatic Study

Material Study

Axonometric Section Render